Monday, June 15, 2009

Red + Green Bell Pepper

I started with four 6" starter plants. Two Red Bell Peppers and two Green Bell Peppers from Al's Garden Center. A sweet Green Bell Pepper is a pepper that is not yet ripe. Let it continue to grow and it will turn red and the texture and flavor will change. I originally planted them in large terra-cotta pots that they quickly outgrew. I have transplanted them to oversized, deep containers. Unfortunately, one of the peppers was root bound and did not transplant as well as the others but I am going to see if it snaps out of it. (right) My Green Bell Pepper after transplant from the terra-cotta pot on June 13th, 2009.
  • Day 1 (05.25.09): Planted starter plants in terra-cotta pots.
  • Day 17 (06.10.09): Transplanted into a large, deep container.
  • Day 22 (06.15.09): Plants are starting to show tiny fruit.
  • Day 40 (07.03.09): Fruit is about 1/2" - 1" in size (see right top).
  • Day 79 (08.21.09): Fruit is full size and starting to ripen and turn a bright shade of red (see right bottom).

Growing Tips: Sweet Bell Peppers prefer full sun and water regularly, especially in the hot, dry summer months (lack of water will give peppers a bitter taste). Bell Peppers grow 18" - 24" tall. Space plants 18" apart in rows 24" - 36" apart. Bell Peppers have very deep roots and require large, deep pots if grown in containers. Fertilize monthly. (right) My bell peppers on August 21, 2009.

Harvesting: When green bell peppers reach full size, pick and enjoy. When red bell peppers are completly red and mature, pick and enjoy.

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