Thursday, June 18, 2009


I started with chives from seed and starter plants, both work very well and are easy to grow. I planted my starter plants in a medium-sized terra-cotta pot (two plants in a single pot). This way, when I harvest one plant, the other will be growing for a constant harvest. (right) My chives in June 2008 right after I transplanted the starters.

Growing Tips: Chives prefer full sun and moist, well drained soil. If not growing for flowers, cut the plant to the ground two or three times during the growing season to promote fresh growth from the base. Bring indoors for the winter if grown in containers for year round harvest or keep outside and they will come back in spring.

Placement: Grow chives and carrots in close proximity, when grown together, carrots tend to grow larger.

Harvesting: Clip from plant as needed or two to three times during the growing season harvest the entire plant, clipping at the ground.

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